WiFi Keyboard - type from PC

by wangxingyu


not available

WiFi keyboard is an Android App which is allow your computer's keyboard for typing in your Android device, it is free, has no-ads and does not collect any personal information.Usage: » Connect to the WiFi or set a hotspot, and ensure that your computer and Android device in the same Local Area Network(LAN). (not need connect to the Internet). » Available WiFi keyboard in the System Settings. » Change keyboard to the WiFi keyboard. » Connect your computer's browser to your Android device's IP site(show in the notification bar and dialog boxes). » Set the focus for a input box of Android device, then you can type it. (*^_^*)It's still being developed, please don't rate this app badly because features are missing or it doesn't work. All I ask is that you provide some feedback about what I can do to improve your experience with this app, don't hesitate to improve this App !WiFi keyboard is based on wifikeyboard and created by Ivan Volosyuk and it is terms of GPL v2, please feel free to contribute via GitHub.Notice:Android 4.2 and Android 4.3 is untested, i'm not sure it will work normally.